Christians and Drug Assisted Therapy

Hey everyone and welcome back to Deeper Roots.

Our body has many needs, and all those needs can be categorized into three sections, the spiritual, the mental, and the physical. When any of those systems in our being are out of commission, we will tend to need external help. For some, it might be church, others a therapist or doctor, but no matter where you go, there is a new pressure from influencers to professionals alike to start using other substances to supplement your mental health. No, we are not talking about the abuse of substances like marijuana or psychedelics, but we are talking instead the prescription of these substances by legitimate and solution-driven doctors. Our listener asks “Should a Christian consider drug-assisted therapy?”

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Deeper Roots is a ministry of Iglesia Biblica Bautista Vida Nueva, which is a local church in Castro Valley, CA. You can learn more about us and our church by going to our website.

Derrick Saenz

Derrick Saenz is a digital media artist, who specializes in graphic and brand design, and also works in video and photography.

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