Can the Church Police its Members?

Hey everyone and welcome back to Deeper Roots.

If you’ve been in church for pretty much any amount of time, you will know that there are some behaviors that the church would expect from you in your own personal life. Like, don’t put yourself in situations where you can find yourself tempted to sin. You can follow those rules, but sometimes people falter and turn back to sin. But since people will often fail in their own walk in their faith, what can the church do to prevent these failings from happening? Can the church enforce or police its members to prevent them from sinning?

We had the wonderful opportunity to talk about this topic, so if you want to follow up on this, or you have a new question altogether, we would love to talk about it. You can submit your questions at While you’re there, you can also see the rest of our episodes and see where else we are streaming.

We look forward to hearing from you! Thank you for joining us here on Deeper Roots. Let’s get to the conversation!



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Deeper Roots is a ministry of Iglesia Biblica Bautista Vida Nueva, which is a local church in Castro Valley, CA. You can learn more about us and our church by going to our website.

Derrick Saenz

Derrick Saenz is a digital media artist, who specializes in graphic and brand design, and also works in video and photography.

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